Flamenco Footwork Challenge 3, 4
The true flamenca dream is to dance like Carmen Amaya, right Then we remember, Oh wait, I wasn t born dancing But I always say it s not about dreaming to dance like someone else. We are all on our own flamenco journey. What s most important is our own PERSONAL EXPRESSION and it s totally possible using FOOTWORK. So many times, dancers blank out on what to do about an escobilla. They don t have the confidence or the TOOLS to create one themselves. And it s actually easy when you learn a few key concepts, which you ll learn here in this 4 DAY FOOTWORK CHALLENGE. MUSIC USED: Solea por Bulerias solo compas 100bpm Solea por Bulerias solo compas 120bpm Solea por Bulerias con guitarra 144bpm PRACTICE. Use solo compás to practice the slower the better RECORD. Video a short snippet of your practice with solo compás. POST. Upload the video to the Online Flamenco