Revolver Tutorial Industry ready weapon and attachment creation for video games
Hello everyone Tim from ChamferZone here. Today, I am excited to share with you the chapter overview for the all new weapon tutorial available at Gumroad Artstation Flipped Normals The Revolver Tutorial is an all new, state of the art weapon tutorial for the Blender era as well as Marmoset Toolbag 4 and Substance Painter for baking, texturing and portfolio ready renders. Create a customizable revolver together with two mountable attachment pieces for it: a flashlight and a reflex scope as you would find it almost any FPS video game these days. As we go through the various modeling stages we will make use of all the latest tools, modifiers, plugins and techniques that help us do the best job possible. We built the revolver fully detachable: you can even take the rail off. Instructor Biography I m Tim Sr. 3