FNF, How Miku met Selever, Casanova but Miku sings it
yeah, this is exactly how Miku met Selever in the first place, the timeline of this is a week after the events of mid fight masses, and by that it was 2 weeks after she met Jenny, and yeah So Sarv somehow introduced Selever to Miku in a way of leaving them together in the church then they got along. I thought of them meeting like this would be a good idea, and is the lore I had in mind for these three. , fnf, fridaynightfunkin, fnfmod, fnfselever, selever, midfightmasses, midfightmassesselever, miku, fnfmiku, mikuhatsune, hatsunemiku, mikuvocaloid, jenny, mlaatr, jennywakeman, jennyxj9, xj9, mylifeasateenagerobot, vocaloid, nickolodeon, newgrounds, fnfcasanova, casanova