How to Paint Flesh Colours Using the Zorn Palette with Alex Tzavaras
In this portrait painting tutorial Realist Artist Alex Tzavaras shows you how to mix flesh colours using the Zorn Palette. A limited palette, named after the 19th Century Swedish Artist Anders Zorn, consisting of four colours, Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light (or Vermillion) and Ivory Black, which is really convenient for mixing skin tones. In addition to this Youtube version, there is also a full length version. Filmed entirely in real time with an indepth commentary, explaining Alex s process in detail. Available now on SIMPLIFY Drawing Painting s new Patreon Channel: Alex Tzavaras is a contemporary realist artist offering portrait painting and alla prima oil painting tutorials. Alex teaches the traditional painting techniques artists used to draw and paint from life up until the start of the 20th century. Or connect with Alex: