How to Make Semen Taste Better , Male Sperm Taste Test, Spitting or Swallowing Male Sperm
Little did you know that what we eat and do to our body greatly affects how our semen tastes like. Our semen varies from one male to another; depending on hygienic routine and body intake. My video for today will educate you on how to make your semen taste better, the best ways on how to thicken your semen, and what semen taste is like. Does your partner like to spit or swallow Some partner is not open to the idea of swallowing cum, they find it disgusting and they are not just comfortable doing it although they like to perform oral sex to their partner. But, there are also some who like to swallow semen because they are curious how it tastes like or is part of their sexual activity with their partner, perhaps, they are comfortable doing it and sexual discussion had already been set regarding spitting or swallowing. The interesting question is, how semen tastes, then Is it sweet bitter or what not Male semen is a cloudy white bodily fluid that comes out during ejaculation. The smell of i