Лиза Новикова Спи, мой мальчик (из к, ф Цирк) (ТЕКСТ+СУБТИТРЫ)
, ЛизаНовикова, ElizabethNovikova, ЕлизаветаНовикова Elizaveta Novikova Video from the performance at the annual home concert in Koloskovo on July 25, 2020 Orpheus Studio, director S. Volkova Concertmaster S. Smirnov Sleep, my boy from the movie Circus (muz. I. Dunaevsky, sl. V. LebedevKumach) Sleep, my boy, sweetly, sweetly, Sleep, my baby bird, sleep, baby Toys are sleeping, horses are sleeping, Only you are not sleeping alone. I ve been looking out the window more than once for a month, Will my baby fall asleep soon Sleep, my boy, sleep, my bunny, byebyebye The month goes high, The stars are shining far away. In this blueblue light, Where there are no tears or grief, The heart wants to fly away from troubles. The stars are shining high. I ll hide my tears deep. If I could reach it with my hand Your silver peace The stars are very far Go to sleep, my boy, go to sleep Close your eyes tight Sleep, my boy, bayushki, bayu. Operator, color correction: A. Balashonok (P) (C) 2022 A. B