English Thru TVseries The OC S01 E01 01 Priors Lockup Truancy Misdemeanor, English Thru TVseries
, EnglishThruTVseries, TheOC, S01E01ThePilot 01, Priors, Lockup, Truancy, Misdemeanor Sandy: You could do worse. You okay They treating you all right Ryan: Where s my brother Sandy: Uh, Trey is over 18. Trey stole a car; Trey had a gun in his pants, an ounce of pot in his pocket, a couple of priors. I m guessing right now, Trey s looking at three to five years. But Trey s not my concern. This is your first time in lockup. I m assuming you don t plan on coming back. Your gradesare not great. Suspended twice for fighting, truancy three timesLook, I can plead this down to a misdemeanor. Petty fine, probation. But know this; stealing a car cause your big brother told you to, it s stupid, and it s weak, and those are two things you can t afford to be anymore.