Nearer My God to Thee (for 9 cellos) Steven Sharp Nelson
Download from iTunes here: Download from Amazon here: Filmed at Stewart Falls. This week we thought we d reach back to our roots. We rolled the cameras in a place where they have rolled many times before Sundance, Utah. Steve has spent many summers there in a cabin built by his grandfather. It s also where he proposed to his wife (she said yes, by the way ) Such an incredible place of beauty and raw nature merited a piece of music that matched the setting. This arrangement of Nearer My God to Thee was the first song Steve and Al recorded together. It is based upon and inspired by an arrangement of James Stevens for 9 voices. For us music often is a spiritual experience a way to connect with others, with nature, and with a loving God. This video is not meant to exclude those that do not believe in God. We hope everyone can fi br, br,