Dr. Kary Banks Mullis Explains How PCR Testing Can Be Misrepresented To Show a Positive Test
Dr. Kary Banks Mullis shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith in recognition of their invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. In this video he explains how testing can be amplified in a way to show a positive result when asked if PCR testing can be misused According to FDA guidelines there are two different types of tests for COVID19, diagnostic testing and antigen testing. A diagnostic test can show if you have an active coronavirus infection and should take steps to quarantine or isolate yourself from others. Currently there are two types of diagnostic tests molecular tests, such as RTPCR tests, that detect the viruss genetic material, and antigen tests that detect specific proteins from the virus Here s what the Fact Checkers have to say in response to if you can use a high number of amplification cycles during a RTPCR test to generate a positive diagnosis of COVID19