The Evolution Of A Show Girl (1926)
Footlights Every girl in the world as some time or another has imagined herself looking over them at a spellbound But, before any girl can get on the stage, she must meet with some Manager s approval. The popular conception of a Theatrical Manager is something like Panning shot of a still cartoon showing a line of women in a waiting room all dressed up and presumably waiting for an audition. The women are all different shapes and sizes. Shot ends on a secretary at a desk typing (here the cartoon begins to animate. ) Bell boy comes out of a doorway and ushers in the next applicant. A man sits at a desk, the woman walks in and sits down. He pats his knee and invites the woman to sit on it The casting couch in operation She turns away looking haughty and the manager pulls a lever to the out position. A trapdoor opens and the woman falls through it We see her falling through various floors of the building and flying out of an open window at the bottom of the building. Another