Hero card fully heals your hero , Hearth Tech, 226
00:00 Intro Hero card fully heals your hero 00:13 Test1 Grommash Hellscream s Enrage is different from other minions 00:45 Test2 Monstrous Parrot can t repeat the Deathrattle of minions destroyed by Disciplinarian Gandling 01:35 Test3 Counterfeit Blade can t gain Korrak s Deathrattle if he was Honorably Killed 02:09 Test4 What happens if Monstrous Parrot repeat Hidden Gyroblade s Deathrattle 02:43 Test5 The Innkeeper can play hero power from hand 03:21 Test6 Elemental Chaos can t trigger Professor Slate 03:51 Test7 Hero card replayed by Mo arg Outcast can fully heal your hero 04:17 Outro Twitter: