A History Of British Video Art: The First Ten Years. 1971 81 LVA VHS
Featuring extracts from the following tapes: 7 TV pieces. David Hall 1971 23mins. B, W Monitor I. Steve Partridge. 1975 10mins. B, W Eyebath. Peter Anderson. 1977 8mins. B, W Vanitas. Tamara Kirkorian. 1977 8mins. B, W 2nd and 3rd identity. Marceline Mori. 1977. 10mins B, W The Swing. Tina Keane. 1978. 12mins B, W The Fascinating Art of the Ritual Feast. Marion Urch. 1979 8mins. Col State of Division. Mick Hartney. 1979. 5mins. B, W Kensington Gore. Catherine Elwes. 1981. 15mins. Col Compiled by London Video Access