This is Aquas True Form Minato Aqua APEX Gameplay ENG SUB Hololive
The Zone, a state of wait, wrong corner. Well, that was a really good game. She mentioned that she got more FPS because she using 2 PC for the first time. Ayame also has a plan to use 2 PC, can t wait for it. Some note: Yabai has a lot of meaning: awesome, beautiful, crap, dangerous, bad, and many more. I can t feel what she feels, so I just type yabai. The achievement she talked about is (cmiiw). I don t know the official English name. The Zone she talked about is from anime titled Kuroko no Basuke, which simply means the state when someone is extremely focused. I m sorry I can only upload 720p 60fps, I don t wanna hurt my crappy laptop. If you want to watch better resolution, watch the source, and give a like, and subscribe to Aqua. Original video Aqua Ch. 湊あくあ ED Song Thanks for watching I m still newbie on translating Japanese to English, please comm