Best Relax Music: Music for calming. Soothing soul. Музыкa для чтения, масажа, для сна. , Soothing Soul
Music for calming, mediation, education, reading, massage, or sleep. Looking for some relaxing music to help you wind down after a long day Look no further than BestRelaxMusic Our selection of soul music is perfect for everything from meditation to relaxation to sleep. Whether you re a musician or not, our music is sure to bring peace and tranquility to your life Dr. Oliver Sachs wrote: In my forty years of medical practice, I have discovered only two types of nonpharmaceutical therapy that are vital for patients with chronic neurological diseases. It s music and Such a conclusion, perhaps, will not surprise anyone, since it comes from such an original thinker as Sachs. But surprisingly, a significant amount of conventional scientific research links music and mental health in the same way. Музыка для сеансов. Музыка для глубокого сна. Доктор Оливер Сакс писал: За сорок лет медици