Gandalf the White Historic Brawl MTG Arena
Magic: The Gathering Arena deck tech gameplay with a Monowhite artifact trigger deck, featuring Gandalf the White as commander in 100card Historic Brawl. 00:00 Intro 04:03 Deck Tech 06:47 vs Phylath, World Sculptor 16:04 vs GoShintai of Life s Origin 26:31 vs Feather, the Redeemed 32:06 vs Gishath, Sun s Avatar 40:03 vs Goldberry, RiverDaughter 45:21 vs Tom Bombadil 51:02 vs Etali, Primal Conqueror Decklist: TCGplayer: Untapped: Twitch: Ultimate Guard: Patreon: Movement Proposition Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4. 0 License The Complex Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Crea br, br,