Girl on the TOP Documentary Full Version, YICamera, YI 4 K
Get High and See Different Locate yourself on the international YI MAP with, highwithyi Make a photo near (or on) any tall building in your country, use hashtag, highwithyi and you will be featured on our YI MAP Explore the world with YI Credits Director, Producer Jay Hsu Special Guests Angela Nikolau and Ivan Beerkus Production Team Masha ZayatsFrolikova Little Panda Sami Luo Shaina Denny Special thanks to all partners and friends who made this film possible We believe the very best imaging and sensing technology should be easy and accessible to everyone. We are YI, Your Innovator. We are committed to using innovative technology to make everyday life safer, richer and more fun. With our passion hard work and commitment to combine the highest quality and value, millions of users from every corner of the world and all ages are feeling greater peace of mind, inspiration and connectio