PAKISTAN DAY GIFT of Bullet Proof Home in Al Saadah SAMS Wo L Farm School Community in Universities
Join SAMS TQLMA Club to OWN Al Saadah Home Office in Universities and qualify for Equity Finance for Climate Smart Tijaarat with Traction EARN 153+ PURE Gold Coins (1 PGC US 1. 53) per year per 53 PGCs Zeplir UK Share to own Al Saada Floating Home for 53000 PGCs to enjoy Payback in 53 Months Students can own 53 PGCs SHARE of SAMS TQLMA Global Group of Companies to EARN 5300 PGCs to enroll in GEMBA to build Al Saadah SAMS WoL Farm School Community in University Campuses Dairy Farms of Pakistan for protection from LSD COW Virus and own Home in 1000 Days.