The Hunger Games: The Hunger Games has begun
Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence), Peeta (Josh Hutcherson), and the other tributes arrive in the arena. The tributes immediately begin killing each other. BINGE MORE Credits: 2012, Lionsgate, Hunger Games. AVAILABLE FOR RENT OR BUY HUNGER GAMES: , BingeSociety, HungerGames, Deaths Subscribe: BINGE MORE: The Fast The Furious Tokyo Drift Winner gets me: Minions The Ultimate weapon: Anaconda Live bait: Ghost Rider Jail fight: The Grudge 3 The wrong makeout spot: Childs Play 2 I will kill you : Equalizer 2 Two kinds of pain: ABOUT BINGE SOCIETY: Featuring the BEST lines, the BEST characters, and the MOST famous actors. Here youll find the top entertainment content any movie lover would desire. Binge Society brings you not only iconic movie scenes but a