PAINTING MY FIRST LEMAN RUSS , Renegade Guard, SOLAR AUXILIA, Warhammer The Horus Heresy
In this video, Henry paints up the new Solar Auxilia Leman Russ in a scheme heavily inspired by the awesome Imperial Armour books. , horusheresy, solarauxilia, paintingwarhammer In this video we review the new Solar Auxiliary iplastic infantry kit and paint up 3 different schemes for your 30k armies. , horusheresy, solarauxilia, paintingwarhammer 00:00 Intro 01:13 Armour Colour 09:50 Weathering 20:10 Tracks 22:45 Finishing Effects Paints Used: Ammo Mig Protective Green Ammo Mig Dull Green Ammo Mig US APC Interior Green GW Rhinox Hide GW Mournfang Brown GW Thondia brown GW Corvus Black GW Eshin Grey GW Agraxz Earthshade VMC Black VMC Hull Red VMC German Camo Black Brown VMA Chrome Tamiya Clear Red Tamiya Clear Orange GW: Games Workshop VMC: Vallejo model colour VMA: Vallejo model air VGC: Vallejo game colour VGA: Vallejo game air VMCS: Vallejo metal colour s