Bujingai: Swordmaster ( Play Station 2) Full Game Longplay
Bujingai: Swordmaster Full Game Longplay Stage 1: The Forsaken City 18:41 Boss: Overlord of Tears 41:43 Stage 2: Bamboo Forest 50:40 Boss: Overlord of Tears 1:18:03 Stage 3: Desecrated Monastery 1:24:45 Boss: Mahler 1:43:44 Stage 4: Demon Mecca 1:51:32 SubBoss: Rei Jenron: 2:15:05 Boss: Mahler (Powered) 2:18:52 Stage 5: Unholy Mountain 2:31:23 Boss: Trogdar 3:43:34 Stage 6: Infested Burrows 3:51:52 Boss: Mistress of Cruelty 4:23:31 Boss: Master Naguri 4:33:30 Stage 7: Could Sea