Attorney Tom Renz Releases More Damning Whistleblower Data
Attorney Tom Renz Releases More Damning Whistleblower Data Speech Highlights Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race. It shows that the Covid vaccine is even less effective in minorities but carries all the risks Are The Jabs responsible for the Covid Spike in Minority Groups Is the jab causing an increase in Covid Renz Reveals 2004 CDC Document which lays out Big Gov Big Pharmas Plan on How to Create Fear to Sell Vaccines Renz Reveals How Government Imposed Medical Tyranny impacted the life of Dr. Eric Nepute whose big crime was having viral videos reaching millions on Facebook telling people how Vitamin D would keep them well, right at the exact time Fauci was trying to create his Covid Fear Porn. Has the Government become the Marketing Sales Division for Big Pharma Are they trying to take out the competition Has Big Pharma, Big Gov, Big Tech, and Big Media created a multi FULL descr here: