Fastest 60m Split All Time 6. 29, Su Bingtian Ultimate Sprinting Montage HD, 9. 83, 苏炳添
All iconic races of Su, including all 10 of his sub10 runs Outdoor 60m Sprint World Record: 6. 29 40 yard dash world record 13h Fastest 100m AllTime: 9. 83 Asian Area Record Holder, Fastest Asian Sprinter (アジア タイ記録) Interesting facts: Speed stride length stride rate Stride length is determined by ground force production, not neccesarily one s height or leg length. Su s main obstacle to break 9. 8 is not height but late phase speed maintenance (3 of the 4 fastest men currently in the world are under 5 9) He ran a horrble last 40m in his 9. 83 Olympic performance. 6. 29 + 3. 54 9. 83 3. 54 is what any average 10. 3 runner is capable of. Had Su been able to run as fast as he normally does in the last 40m, like 3. 49 or even less, he would break it to 9. 78. Let him run 苏炳添, 蘇炳添, Su Bingtian アジア最強最