Timestamps: 1:35 Precontest question, Ive heard not to change your normal training just because of dieting for show. I normally do a Dorian type warm up or two and one work set to fail followed by a rest, pause before cranking out a couple more reps to fail or incorporate a couple drops to go past fail. Is this ok dieting down albeit perhaps a few pounds lighter due to dieting or no Overtraining while doing cardio 2x day 4:05 Endomorph training volume recommendation, once or twice a week 6:50 Is deca as dangerous as certain influencers are suggesting 8:30 Why do so many bodybuilders have type2 diabetes 13:34 600 to 900 mg teste, week, real bad back acne, using TESTOLYZE to help with DHT conversion big difference in growth 600 to 900mg or should I taper down 15:10 Dave s three main training movements for abs. 18:07 Ever heard of someone who s allergic to all forms of testosterone 18:58 Does sex count as cardio 19:10 Advice on practicing posi