I made ALL Satisfactory Ammo Types in 4x4
Every type of Nobelisk, Ammo and Rebar in Satisfactory Update 8 automated in one place with blueprints. Also this is part of my fully modular personal storage and can be utilized in plethora of ways. part 1 with steel and biowaste processor: part 2 with all the electronics: part 3 endgame: 00:00 2:33 Premise 2:33 8:47 Schematic Ratios 8:47 12:33 Extra Functions 12:33 13:47 Setup: Basics 13:47 16:48 Setup: Placement 16:48 21:08 Setup: Connections 21:08 23:02 Setup: Extra Functions 23:02 23:50 Installing Blueprints