Echo 2 soviet stereo tape delay, ЭХО 2
For sale is EXTREMELY RARE vintage soviet analog tape reverbdelayecho effects processor ECHO2M. Produced in 1990 in USSR. It was one of the best, reliable, highquality tape reverb machines produced in the soviet bloc. Unit has 2 independent stereochannels so it can produce true stereo effect. You can use for any from 4 delay times simultaneous (100, 200, 300 and 400 msec). To adjust the character of delay on, off, decay, play, record amount, hight EQ, reverb level, dry level. On the back panel there are 3 standard 1, 4 stereo plugs two inputs and one output. All Input, Output sockets are on standard 1, 4 connectors You can switch the motor on and off with a special button, so the tape is preserved. For a tape loops you can use the standard mastering audio tape Ampex, BASF etc.