Don t Dream It s Over ( CROWDED HOUSE) Song Cover by The HSCC
DONT DREAM ITS OVER (CROWDED HOUSE) Cover Performed by The HSCC featuring Brad Polain Produced by The HSCC Arranged by Constantine Delo Recorded Live by Jordan Lennon at The Adelaide Entertainment Centre Mixed by Dave Ross Filmed Edited by Hayden Puckridge for Minty Visuals Productions Drone Footage by Alex Paps DroneTek SA Big thanks to Kate The Staff at AEC Drums Lead Vocals: Brad Polain BVs: Kat Jade Guitar: Jake Milic Guitar: David Pagano Keyboards: Dave Ross Bass: Constantine Delo Connect with the HSCC Live Concert Tickets: Facebook: Instagram: hindleysccmusic Kat Jade (Vocals): Constantine Delo and Jake Milic use LANEY Amplification Speakers Jim Dunlop Superbright Bass, Guitar Strings. Dunlop HSCC are proud to endorse and use SHURE Microphones InEar Monitor Systems. Written by: Neil Finn , dontdreamitsover, crowdedhouse, neilfinn, bestcoversband, hscc, sixpencenonethericher , hindleystreetcountryclub, shure, livecoverband, viralvideos, laney, laneyamplification, remopercussion, jimdunlop, jimdunlopUSA