Peace With Japan (1951)
Full title reads: Peace With Japan. San Francisco, California, United States of America (USA). 49 nations sign a peace treaty with Japan despite Russian opposition. GV San Francisco. SV Cars arriving at Opera House. SV Pickets outside building. CU Picket board saying Gromyko Go Home. GV Crowd inside Opera House. Top view. Shigeru Yoshida, Japanese Prime Minister speaking. CU Yoshida rolling speech paper. CU American Secretary of State, Dean Acheson listening to speech. Top view. Yoshida ends speech Pan to Assembly. GV Signing ceremony. SV Soviet delegate Andrei Gromyko leaving Hall. SV Pan Polish delegate Wierblowski leaving. Top view Delegates around table. SV Australian signing pact. CU New Zealand representative bows to applause. GV Delegates applaud. CU New Zealand signing. SV Japanese delegates watching. GV British Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison sitting at table. CU Mr Morrison signing. Top view Gromyko s empty chair. SV Mr Morrison watches Kenneth Younger sign. SV Applause. CU Acheson