8 HRS Relaxing Sounds of the Erupted Volcano Area 4 K Summer Ambience
Another great relaxing episode of summer ambience video starring the amazing Mount St. Helens. Consider the deep scars on the ground and slopes of the volcano, left by lava flows in 1980. Our filmmaker Roman Khomlyak met this very view point and wanted to convey the feeling of this picture. Just imagine that a few decades ago, hot lava poured here mixed with stones, ash, and mud. And today this place is filled with tranquility and beauty of nature. Highquality 4K shooting with the Panasonic GH5 camera allows you to see how life is reborn in the place of fear and horror of a volcanic eruption. Thick and lush green grass covers the shores of Coldwater Lake, turning the pitted earth into a source of warmth and life. Listen to the sounds of nature and relax. The sonorous chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects will take your mind away from the stress and anxieties of modern everyday life. Video from: Mount Washington state, USA Video title:, Summer, Ambience at MT ST HELENS Episode 12