Fabfilter Pro Q 3, Frequency Collisions Multi Spectrums Tutorial
Check out ProQ 3, Check out Plugin Deals, Blog Post, In this video tutorial, I will show you how to set up Fabfilter s ProQ 3 to analyze and show frequency masking issues between multiple channels in your mix One of the coolest new features in Fabfitler s ProQ 3 is the ability for crosschannel linking between multiple instances of the ProQ 3. Now, not only can you see all the channels in mini spectrums in the ProQ 3, you can also overlay any two in the main large spectrum to visually see where there might be issues. Now, not only that, but the ProQ 3 will actually highlight frequency ranges that might present mixing issues What s more Setting all of this up is incredible easy Simply drop ProQ 3 onto any channels that you want and then hit the button next the word Analyzer at the bottom of the plugin. The button itself should say Pre + Post by default. Next, doubleclick the word ProQ at the top of the flyout panel