Hinei Ma Tov Singalong with Isaac Zones (lyrics video)
Learn to sing Hinei Ma Tov with Shaboom songleader and Bay Area favorite, Isaac Zones Lyrics: Hinei Ma Tov U Ma Naim Shevet Achim Gam Yachad Translation: How good and how pleasant it is when brothers and sisters hang out together Shaboom is a kids cartoon by BimBam and this channel shares not just the show but also songs, crafts, and parenting ideas for families. Everything we do helps share Jewish values, holidays and traditions with kids and families. SUBSCRIBE to RJ on the GO: to attend live, interactive, virtual experiences for children and families. FOLLOW Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ABOUT US BimBam sparks connections to Judaism through digital storytelling for learners of all ages. Founded in 2008, BimBams catalog of hundreds of animated videos and other digital content are now under the auspices of the Union for Reform Judaism, and many