Ask a Homestuck at Katsucon 2012 Part 4
Sorry, we are not a unified cosplay group. We cannot go to every convention you ask us to A panel in which we cosplay and answer questions as the main cast of Homestuck. Panelists (Tumblr Users): John Egbert burrenbari Rose Lalonde syringe Dave Strider lindzar Jade Harley galaxyhearts Aradia Medigo awkwanaut Tavros Nitram mohawkdandy Sollux Captor friendleaderp Karkat Vantas vantasticmess Nepeta Leijon redfruitwhiteseeds Kanaya Maryam ktjayne Terezi Pyrope cancerously Vriska Serket boxedhobo Equius Zahhak buttpilgrim Gamzee Makara terminallyxsadistic Eridan Ampora everyonesahero Feferi Peixes br8kspider With a special thanks to kaitcryingalonewithfictionalcats for taking my Flip camera and recording this Saingirl101 for being our photographer for the panel and getting the last 10 minutes of the panel when my battery ran low.