Alpine Farm (1940 1949)
British Instructional Films presents a Classroom Film. Snowy landscape. A man and two children walk in the snow. Woman looks out of her window. They come into the house and take their coats off. Elderly gentleman shows young boy his wood carving technique. Woman lays the table. The family all eat out of one large pan of food. Calf suckles milk from cow. Streams. Spring elderly man shears a sheep with hand shears. Father loads basket with earth then carries it on his back up a steep hill. He and another man are attached to a pulley system of ropes. Man and a woman operate a horse drawn plough on a very steep hillside. Man wipes sweat from his brow. Family use hand tools to break up the ground. Older man sows seeds. In the village. Mountains. Children run out of school. Two children walk along holding hands. Church. Blossom tree. Man at work. Children arrive home and take or give something to granny who is spinning on the front porch (or perhaps this is how people are greeted