A Royal Fellowship Of Death (1925)
Item title reads A Royal Fellowship of Death. Duke of Connaught unveils magnificent but grim memorial to 49, 076 artillery men who fell in Great War. London. M, S as the Duke of Connaught salutes and greets other officers, soldiers stand behind. Various shots as they shake hands, he walks up some steps to a platform and shakes hands. M, S as he pulls the cord and the Union Jack falls off the memorial which is a big gun with soldiers underneath, the camera pans across it. C, U of the Duke saluting. L, S of huge crowds, the camera pans across the large memorial and up to the gun at the top. Marble Arch is in the background. A clergyman stands in front and the camera pans up to another model of a soldier. M, S as a huge wreath is carried by three men and laid on the steps together with another one, M, S as the Duke salutes. M, S of the statue of a warrior laid down with coat and hat covering his head. C, U of the coat and hat covering the soldier. L, S as the Duke inspects a line of soldiers. M, S