Gullivers Travels by Jonathan Swift, Summary Analysis
Jonathan Swift s Gullivers Travels explained with chapter summaries in just a few minutes Course Hero Literature Instructor Russell Jaffe provides an indepth analysis of the plot, characters, symbols, themes, and motifs of Jonathan Swift s novel Gulliver s Travels. Download the free study guide and infographic for Gullivers Travels here: In Jonathan Swift s iconic satire Gulliver s Travels, the titular protagonist journeys to strange lands and interacts with their evenstranger inhabitants. As he ricochets from one ridiculous adventure to the next, Gulliver s faith in humanity and its constructs is utterly dismantled. His encounters with the minute Lilliputians, the gigantic Brobdingnagians, and the Houyhnhnms, a race of talking horses, among others, illustrate the absurdities of 18th century English society. Through his depictions of bizarre social customs, tyrannical