Koko successfully makes Neuro SWEAR over and over again Funny Moments
00:00 01:15 Koko laughs at Neuro indirectly admiting that Vedal is a Pssy 01:15 02:42 Neuro tries to Insult Koko 02:42 04:25 Koko prays to Neuro after learning that shes in the Bible 04:25 05:17 Neuro threatens to tell on Koko to her Mother 05:17 06:52 Koko successfully makes Neuro SWEAR over and over again 06:52 08:25 Neuro wanna go on a luxurious HONEYMOON with Koko and spoils her 08:25 09:56 Neuro reveals that Vedal once married her to Source: Title collab with kokonuts, merch URL I m posting Neurosama s video with permission from its creator, vedal987 Neurosama s Creator: vedal987 Neurosama Ch. Vedal AI, Neurosama, AIvtuber YouTube Channel: Twitch Channel: Neurosama s Mom, Anny Channel, Vtuber YouTube Channel: Twitch Channel: