Foldable Tank TIGER I Late Ver2
STL Customer reviews were very high on version 2. 0, which is an upgraded version of the Tiger tank early production. So, we are also upgrading the TIger tank late production at this time. 1. By adding decorations to the track, the design has been improved to be much closer to the real thing. If you compare it to the previous 1. 0 version, you will be able to feel the huge difference. However, the structure is the same as the previous track. For problems that occur in Track, please refer to customer reviews and comments on previously created tanks. 2. We changed the method to printing the wheels separately and attaching them. The 1. 0 version of the wheel had the advantage of being easy to print all at once, but its shape was very different from the actual one. However, this time, by allowing the wheels to be printed separately, it has become much more realistic. 3. You can get a neater result by removing the living hinge at the front. 4. The hatch can be opened a