Making Some CLOAKS (frolicking included)
Hii If you wanted to check out Audible, and get started listenin to some audiobooks, make sure you head to: OR text rachelm to 500 500 to start your 30 day free trial Thank you so much Audible for sponsoring this video :) After YEARS of always wanting to make my own cloak, I finally took the plunge and it turned out to be WAY easier than I thought it was gonna be. besides the whole completely fudging up two separate times. I also made one for one of YOU So you can join me in fieldfrolicking and swooshing, hehehe. Cloak Pattern: , , What I m Wearing, , Day 1: Blouse yesstyle (before I halted my fast fashion habits) Trousers Vintage from Etsy Day 2: Blouse Adored Vintage Vest MeMade Trousers thredup (evan piccone) Reveals: Green dre