Do you STILL suck at subnetting ( THE FINAL TEST)
Ready to get your CCNA Prepare with the BEST practice exams and labs from Boson: (practice exam) (labs) club30259387, affiliate links You no longer suck at In this video, you will encounter your final subnetting challenge, VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masks). NetworkChuck will show you how to subnet a subnet. a subnet using Variable Length Subnet Masks, something that you will use VERY often in subnetting networks. This core skill combines all of the subnetting skills youve learned in this series so far. Get your coffee ready Need practice Master subnetting with extra quizzes: Join the NetworkChuck Academy : Sponsored by Boson Software SUPPORT NETWORKCHUCK . .., NetworkChuck, ipaddress, subnetmask, homenetwork, network+exam, comptianetwork+, network+course, informationtechnology, comptiacertification, ipaddressexplained 20230823 OD2vG5st4zI