Short Passion Braids, Bob Length Passion Braids
Hey guys I tried something different I had to recreate and do these short passion braids again. Watch how I achieved them Bobbi Boss Prestretched, Prerodded hair: Bobbi Boss Water Wave hair: Products used: Shine n Jam Mousse How To Do Knotless Box Braids, Detailed Tutorial, All Your Questions Answered , BobbiBoss, PassionBraids, ShortPassionBraids SHOP Dont forget to L I K E, C O M M E N T, S H A R E and S U B S C R I B E This let s me know that you guys are interested in my content so that I can keep putting out new videos. Turn on your bell notification so you dont miss any videos C O N N E C T : Personal Instagram, braidsbydiamond Business