Homemade Vehicles of the Bosnian War ( 1992 1995 )
Maršala Tita APC 12th May 1993 During the Siege of Sarajevo: a makeshift ARBiH (Bosnian Muslim Army) armored vehicle, a small truck covered with sheet steel and painted in camouflage colours on Mula Mustafe Bašeskije street. Ozren and Kosava IRAM, In Bosnia, these tools were called Ozren and Kosava Republika Srpska : Armoured TAM 5000 PA with K61 37mm (M1939). FAP13 truck, armored and armed with an M48 cannon ZSU M53, 59 of the Bosnian Serb army with additional rubber booking, in the background the BMP M80A and ZSU BOV3 American armored car M8 Greyhound with a tower of the Yugoslav BMP M80 with a 20mm gun of the army of t