Fan Service in Anime vs. The Monogatari Series PART 2 Redefining Relationships
In the 2nd part of this Monogatari Fan Service series, we discuss a concept that pertains to a wider variety of intimate situations in the Monogatari adaptation: Sexuality is used (literally and metaphorically) to both define relationships, as well as to redefine them by resolving uncertainty. This video focuses mostly on Nisemonogatari, as this is the season in which the concept is blatantly introduced. Note: This video assumes knowledge of the Monogatari Series through Nisemonogatari. Watching through Otorimonogatari is also recommended in order to fully grasp the posited concepts. Monogatari Analysis Playlist: Timestamps: Concept Intro (Sexuality (fan service) as a narrative tool to define relationships) 0:07 2 Attributes of a Fan Service Scene (Simple, potentially useful idea to provide context) 0