How did the snake trick the woman Why Satan is a serpent Pastor Michael Oxentenko
How did the snake trick the woman Why was the snake able to trick the woman Why Satan is a serpent The Snake and the Lady Pastor Michael Oxentenko The perfect creation of God begins with the true story of a snake and it ends with a beautiful lady and her man who is doomed to die with her. Sin is a serpent that wants to bite you and eat you up and destroy you. So please avoid the serpent in your life. In the book of Genesis sin starts with a serpent who claims to be wiser than the lady. Timestamp: 00:00 Beginning 00:01 Prayer 00:36 Sermon Reaching Hearts International Church is a diverse, Christian community dedicated to the worldwide proclamation of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. We are committed to preach and teach the Three Angels Messages as found in Revelation 14: 612. This is God s final message to the world to prepare His people for the soon return of Jesus Christ and His eternal kingdom. Our ministries are dedicated to helping you find hope