The Girls Surf Queens ( May 31, 2023) Vol. 4 4 K
Good friends and talented young surfers Kalei Fukuda, Mahine Keane, and Puaiohi Defries are really happy to kick off their Summer Break 2023 and surf fun queens in Waikiki on another beautiful morning with nice surfing conditions on Oahu. Big Props and mahalo to Mahina s father, Justin Keane, for helping to film the girls water shots with the gopro during the shoot . Enjoy the beautiful surf and scenery of Hawaii . Aloha and Happy Father s Day If you enjoy our content, pls remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe Mahalo, we truly appreciate it To see more videos like this from The Girls Surfing Oahu Series To see some of our previous videos featuring Kalei, Puaiohi, and Mahina check out: 1. The Girls Surf East Oahu (Nov 26, 27, 2022) 4K beginning at 4 : 06 (Kalei Puaiohi) 2. Surfing Canoes (June 23, 2022) Boys Girls 4K beginning at : 48 secs (Mahina Kalei) Joakim Karud: Music provided by RFM: