torn, multicrossover bday collab
watch in HD subtitles are available Please take a moment to check out this link for resources and how you can educate yourself, donate (with and without any money), and sign petitions Please use your platforms to speak up DO NOT stay silent Thank you so much again for another WONDERFUL birthday collab My birthday was on the 11th, but it s still joy to see this all together Thank you for all these beautiful parts and for making my birthday so special Participants: Part 1: ღEmi editsღ Simon Clary (Shadowhunters, TMI) Part 2: carol Amberlee Leta (TSC, Fantastic Beasts) Part 3: InnocencexLost Jenny Julian (Britt Robertson Will Tudor) Part 4: JerkThief Ruby Amy (The Neon Demon, Gone Girl) Part 5: Banshee Stonem Rogue Bucky (Marvel) Pa