Torture boards, Plugs, Varnish ( Traditional Boatbuilding, EP97)
Rebuilding a historic sailing yacht Tortureboards, Plugs, Varnish (EP97) Support, Donate; Become a Patron; EPISODE 97 In this episode we work towards sealing up the timber of the hull, inside and out. First we varnish the interior of the boat, using a traditional varnish that should hopefully hold up for decades. Then we get a serious workout with some goodoldfashioned tortureboards, we glue and trim plugs, and we get a little closer to painting and moving the boat. We have a bit of a change of crew as David and Rowan head back to the East coast, and we get some great help from some local guys. Meanwhile Pancho delights in a game of hidenseek. To become a Patron To donate or support My Amazon Wishlist a. co, 76y5IZP For sneaky previews of whats going on in between episodes, follow my FACEBOOK