Victory Day Celebrations In Paris AKA Victory Parade In France (1948)
Paris, France VICTORY DAY CELEBRATIONS IN PARIS MS A Military flag party in ceremonial dress. MS Squad of troops in ceremonial dress, presenting arms. MS Visiting Foreign Military officials, pan to them rising to their feet as troops present arms. SCU Ditto. SCU Diplomatic officials rise to their feet. MS President Vincent Auriol receives the flag from the military party. Auriol hands flag to flag bearer. MS Ditto. SCU Auriol handing flag to bearer. MS Ditto. MS Foreign Military representatives saluting the ceremony. SCU Diplomats. SCU French Military representatives saluting the ceremony. SCU Low angle Auriol on platform. MS Robert Schuman, premier, and another on platform. LS Troops marching by the platform (2 shots). MS Troops marching past. MS Troops marching towards. SCU the colour party marching at the head of the column. MS Rear view of column. MS Troops on the march. SCU Troops parading. LS Column marching along Champs Elysee. SCU French Troops parading. MS Rear view, full screen troops march