Make Grandma Maes Economy Block Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star ( Video Tutorial)
Shop Grandma Mae s Economy Block supplies here: Jenny Doan demonstrates how to make a beautiful, old fashioned Economy Block using 2. 5 inch strips of precut fabric (jelly roll). This quilt is also known as the Garden of Eden quilt. For this project, Jenny chose a Nature s Pace Digitally Printed Roll Up by Studio RK for Robert Kaufman. This quilt was inspired by a very special antique quilt made by the greatgrandmother of Kate, our amazing Marketing Manager. It comes together easyaspie with snowballed corners and sashing that never has to match up Get the supplies needed to make this quilt by clicking the link below: Missouri Star Quilt Company provides free quick and easy sewing, quilting, and craft tutorials because we love to create. We offer