Nicholas Breeze Wood Forebears
Текст с Bandcamp а: Hear me This my friends is a sacred ground. All our forebears lived And walked here once. In trust they aimed to live The life they choice, Held up higher By their own dead and gone. Passing on in trust once more to their young, Sacred Earth from which they had sprung. Standing on the shoulders of the dead before them, The young see further than those gone before. Hear me, This my friends is a sacred ground. Given to us in trust to pass on once more. Our children one day Will pass it on in there turn, To those who next will Come in line to Earth. We are a Link in a whole chain of lives, Building upwards, to gain a view. Your actions go before you always bear that well. We will be forebears soon, That much is true. from PreHistory : Lost Recordings 19791989, released April 14, 2023