False Hope, Fake Happiness
Filmed Edited by Daniel Ramsey of SPLIT Media Music recorded, mixed and mastered by Gareth Hargreaves Spotify Instagram Facebook Twitter Lyrics: I think it s funny sometimes the objects we use to fill our lives Like a space in our home is somehow a hole within us A deficit in an otherwise fulfilling life Or maybe it s all empty and we have to fill up until there is no room left No light in, no light out just full Complacent or ignorant Do they sell us false hope or just fake happiness Spending out way to the grave won t fill the void in our lives Are you full and happy or just happy to be full You could ask what it all means but it s futile You could say it s your dream though it doesn t even make a difference Empty or full light or no light Are we anything more than a blip on a timeline Are we anything more than just objects Could we le