Rener Gracie vs. Purple Belt ( Both Hands Tied Down) from
This is a video sample from the new GracieNarrated Live Sparring Video Library now available at In this incredible new library, we give you unprecedented access to the live sparring sessions at the Gracie Academy headquarters. In each video, you ll watch Ryron, Rener, or one of the other Gracie Academy instructors, sparring with partners of all shapes, sizes, and skill levels in gi and nogi training sessions. You ll also see how the Gracies use targeted focus sparring exercises such as positional sparring, fight simulation, and handicap sparring (two people vs. one, one arm tied down, blindfolded, etc) to optimize technical master and reflex development. Best of all, every sparring match is fully narrated by Ryron or Rener Gracie Not only will you be able to see how all the techniques should be applied in real time against resistant opponents, but you get to listen in and learn the exact thought process the Gracie Brothers use